84% of people around the world are feeling stressed but only 24% talk about it with their doctor. Prolonged stress manifests into chronic illnesses that can be life-threatening.

How can we help people be more aware of their stress levels, and take control of it in the palm of their hands?


The Cigna StressWaves Test

As leaders in health innovation, Cigna set out to democratize stress detection. Through an accelerator program, we scoured the best start-ups in the health-tech space to arrive to a solution with US-based start-up Ellipsis Health.

The StressWaves Test is the world’s first voice-activated stress tool that analyses your current level of stress by simply talking into your phone. This revolutionary new voice detection technology works on all laptops and mobile devices and serves as that vital first point of contact to detect the real severity of stress. All it takes it 90 seconds and a quiet place to talk.


Strategy & Innovation Director


Coca-Cola in China


Cigna: Stress Care