
If brands were to live their purpose, how might Cigna live up to its motto of being a ‘partner in wellness - physically and emotionally?''

According to the World Health Organization, stress is a contributer to 41 million preventable deaths every year, leading to chronic illnesses such as heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

Yet, instead of focusing on preventative healthcare, insurance companies chose to focus on fear mongering tactics.


84% of the world suffers from stress. To be a partner in wellness, is to address the stress epidemic. And Cigna did exactly just that with its stress care brand platform.

In Year 1, the campaign “See Stress Differently” was launched to make the invisible, visible.

A kit that visualised stress for the first time. Partnering with award winning artist Sean Sullivan, we built an algorithm that created personalised stress portraits using biometric data, showing people their stress in real-time.

An activation that generated USD$14MN in earned revenue and an increase of 187% leads for the business.

In Year 2, at the height of COVID, “Keep Checking In” launched under this platform.

In Year 3, we launched the Cigna StressWaves Test.

Year: 2018 - 2020

Role: Strategy Manager - Strategy Director

Cannes Lions 2021:
Silver, Health & Wellness: Data Visualization
Shortlist. Digital Craft: Data and AI


Cigna: Stresswaves Test


NICE Technology: Voice